Monday, 3 May 2010

When is a snake not a snake? When it's an excitable delma (Delma tincta)

I walked from home to my office today, a distance of about 6km. No hills and fairly easy walk though it was fiercely hot for most of the way - no shade and reflective ground.But the wind was at my back and I feel good for the walk.

ON the way I saw what I thought was a small snake on the road. I picked it up so it would not be run over. It was certainly excitable - leaping around throwing its body into arches so only 2 or 3 points touched the ground at a time. I thought it was a golden crown snake or something similar - a harmless small elapid.

Examining it I noticed not only that its vent was about 1/4 of the way along its body, but also that it had tiny external ear-holes. It was not a snake at all - it was a legless lizard or pygopod. Unlike snakes they have an external ear aperture.

I found him a nice place under some bushes, with plenty of leaf litter and let him go.

Before I left home I debated whether to take a camera. I didn't. Bad decision. Got a phone camera shot of him but it's blurry.

On another note - I did take my iPod, but only listened to half a song. It was so nice walking and just listening to the sounds around me. I find I use my iPod very rarely these days...

Here is where I walked -

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