Sunday, 11 July 2010

Glass plate negatives - 3

Apart from the obvious damage to these glass plates (they were stored for many years in sheds in humid subtropical conditions), the detail in these pictures is stunning. Go to the larger image on flickr and look at the saddles hanging on a rail outside the saddler. Photography has not come far since the 19th Century...

Posted via email from jayavant's posterous

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Glass plate negatives - continued...

Finally I am starting to scan some of the glass plate negatives that Gary lent me last year. Explanation here -

The pictures are very sharp and detailed, despite the poor condition of the negatives. Many are wrapped in paper as shown in the pictures. The paper appears to be a police document from "The Colony of Queensland". This would place them pre-federation - so in the 19th Century. This one seems to be taken in Clermont, Central Queensland.

A larger version of the picture can be seen on my flickr site -

Posted via email from jayavant's posterous