Sunday, 13 June 2010

Not a soccer fan #worldcup 2002

In 2002 I lived in South Korea. That year Korea played host to the World Cup soccer matches and there was general hysteria in abundance.

On the afternoon of June 22nd, Korea played a quarter-final match against Spain. I happened to be in Seoul that day and was treated to the eery experience of walking around largely empty streets - everyone was either indoors glued to a TV or at one of the large public squares where huge screens had been set up to watch the games. Being no soccer fan myself, I caught a train home. These trains are usually packed - standing room only. I never saw so few people on the Seoul subway.
When I got home I was invited to join some Korean men who were sitting out on the footpath with a TV watching the game and drinking. People were unusually friendly during the World Cup.

The game ended in a draw - 0:0. That's one reason I don't like soccer.... nothing happens....

Posted via email from jayavant's posterous

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